
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Cheesy Chicken Crescent Roll Casserole

This recipe has been a favorite of mine for a while. After finding out I was lactose intolerant I worried that many of my past favorite meals would no longer be an option for me. This recipe I found at Tastebook has been a favorite of mine. The original contains lots of dairy products however so I needed to modify it for my diet. Luckily, there has been a big increase in vegan friendly foods, including vegan cheese (no dairy) which helps me make this recipe stomach friendly for me!

The cheese I used was Daiya cheddar and Daiya mozzarella. I have also used GO Veggie! cheddar cheese which was really good; however, some of their cheese is only lactose free not dairy free so vegans should make sure to read the label before buying. The sauce also asks for table cream and I have found that mayonnaise is a good substitute for this if it is being put in savory foods. 

  • Dairy-free cheese has been the most difficult part of my diet change. It definitely does not taste like cheese to me but it is still good. I still have not been able to eat it plain on a cracker but it is good cooked in meals.


  • 2 cups (or one can) cream of chicken soup, undiluted - My Wise Mom has a great dairy-free recipe
  • 3/4 cup grated cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper (or to taste)

  • Filling:
  • 2 (8 ounce) cans crescent rolls
  • 4 ounces cream cheese (softened)
  • 4 tablespoons butter (softened) - EarthBalance is a good dairy-free option
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon seasoning salt
  • 2 (10 ounce) cans cooked chicken or 2 cups cooked, shredded chicken
  • 1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 cup grated mozzarella cheese
  • 2-4 tablespoons mayonnaise

  • Toppings:
  • 1-2 cup grated cheddar cheese (optional - I did not use this)
  • 1/4 teaspoon parsley


    1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter a casserole dish (I used a 9x13 pan but any size will do).
    2. In a medium saucepan, mix mayonnaise, cheese, and cream of chicken soup on medium heat until smooth. May season with pepper to taste. Do not boil. Remove from heat.
    3. Mix the cream cheese and butter until smooth. Stir in garlic powder, onion powder, and seasoned salt. 
    4. Add chicken, shredded cheeses, and mayonnaise. May add more mayonnaise if mixture seems too dry.
    5. Place one spoonful into each crescent triangle. Roll up and place in the pan, preferably seam side down. This doesn't need to be perfect. It will be messy. Some filling will end up spilling out of the side and that is okay.
    6. Pour the sauce evenly over the tops of the crescent rolls. Garnish with grated cheese if desired and sprinkle the parsley on top.
    7. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until tops are golden brown.

    The finished meal still in the pan, fresh from the oven!
    Laid out on my plate, ready to eat.

    I made this last night for me and my boyfriend (who is not on a diary-free diet) and it got his approval so I think this will work whether you eat dairy or not. I vary the recipe up every time I make it by using different cheeses and it is good every time. Maybe next time I will try to add some veggies. If you try this make sure to let me know what you think!

    Linking Up To:


    1. I'm loving all your dairy free recipes! Thank you for linking up with us for What We Eat Wednesday everyweek!! I've pinned your recipe on my board! :)

      Alexis at Laugh. Eat. Learn.

      1. Thanks! :) I always look forward to linking up on Wednesdays!
