
Monday, July 28, 2014

Weekly Rehash 7/28/14

So many things have been going on in my life lately which made this week very busy. Last weekend I went to my cousin’s bridal shower and bachelorette party. They came up with some really clever games for the bridal shower and I had a lot of fun seeing all of the gifts she received. Afterwards we went laser tagging and I didn’t do too bad. Of course it may have helped that the bride was forced to wear all white making her an easy target causing the children to go for her instead of me… However, I’m going to pretend it was my mad skills ;).

We are all looking tough and ready to kick some butt!
While I was home visiting, my mom gave me this awesome mug. It will be well used this coming fall when I get cravings for pumpkin lattes. Us night shifters need our caffeine!

During the week some of my family came in from Arizona and I finally got to meet two of my new cousins. My aunt and uncle have been foster parents for a couple of years and finally realized their dream of becoming permanent parents in December of this year. They adopted two of their foster kids and they are just adorable. They had two other foster kids with them too and they were all a lot of fun. I think fostering children requires a special type of person and I think they both do an amazing job.

Another thing that happened this week was my green bell pepper plant actually produced a bell pepper! I have been trying my hand at gardening and it is nice when you get rewarded for all your hard work. I quickly picked it off the plant and incorporated it into some delicious fajitas… the recipe for those will be on the blog soon!

And finally, to finish off my incredibly busy week of work, family and travel I attended my future sister-in-laws bachelorette party. We started off the night dressed as Disney princesses. I was Aurora/Sleeping Beauty, which fits perfectly since I have blonde hair and sometimes it feels like all I do is sleep! We went bowling so my sister who is just starting high school could join in on the fun. Later we went to Howl at the Moon which is a fun downtown bar with a live band. The party was a nice way to end a busy week and there will be lots more coming this next week too. I still cannot believe my brother will be getting married in less than a week. It is crazy how time flies!

My sister made the flower headband and hair clip. Each princess got a different one that went with our outfits. We also wore tutus in various colors to coordinate with the princess we chose.
How did all of you spend this week? Did anyone do anything fun or interesting? I would love to hear about it in the comments section below! 

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